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Sofiin sedmý týden v endors

Sofia, stážistka z UCLA v USA, kterou už dobře znáte z předchozích článků, pokračuje v práci v advokátní kanceláři v Praze. Své zážitky a dojmy z letní stáže u nás sdílí na svém blogu. Sofia už s námi nebude dlouho, neboť její stáž již za týden končí. Sedmou a zároveň předposlední část s jejími zážitky a zkušenostmi si můžete přečíst již nyní!

Week 7 Reflection

This weekend, I was able to go on another trip to a different part of the Czech Republic: Český Krumlov. Our program planned the trip for us, and we all woke up bright and early to spend the day in the village after also stopping by the Hluboká Castle. Everything was absolutely beautiful, and certain parts reminded me of a storybook. I was also able to have more Czech food and finally try bread dumplings. There are certain foods I’ve tried that exist in the U.S., but I think they taste better here. For example, I’m really going to miss the mashed potatoes and pickles in Prague when I move back home. 

Back in the office, I continued working on my class action article and got extensive feedback from Lukáš. The most challenging and fruitful part of writing the article has been making sure that my findings are relevant for a Czech audience. As I discuss examples of US class action procedure, I want to make sure that it will help improve the understanding of class actions in the Czech Republic. I hope that my time at endors and in the Czech Republic thus far will inform how I deliver the information, and when I am not sure what to do, continuous feedback has been essential.

In between making multiple edits for the article, I was assigned what is probably one of the most extensive tasks I have had while here. The task itself was pretty straightforward: I had to list out the obligations for a client based off a loan agreement. However, I soon found out how lengthy a loan agreement can be. It can be over 80 pages. I am constantly amazed at how much detail goes into these agreements and other contracts, and as I read more of them, I have started to recognize certain patterns and common phrases. For example, many documents start by clearly defining various terms that will be referenced. At the end of the document, there may also be a section detailing the process of making amendments or changes to the terms. In the end, the loan agreement took multiple days to look over, but I got better at looking for patterns like I mentioned to make the process more efficient. Each week here has offered opportunities for me to build different skills, and as I enter my last week, I am interested to see what it holds.  

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