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Sofiin druhý týden v endors

Sofia, stážistka z UCLA v USA, kterou už znáte z prvního článku, pokračuje ve svém seznamování s prací v advokátní kanceláři a s Prahou, kde nyní pobývá. Své zážitky a dojmy z letní stáže u nás sdílí na svém blogu. Druhou část si můžete přečíst už dnes!

Week 2 Reflection (1 July 2024 to 4 July 2024)

One might think that I was more settled coming into my second week interning at endors, but this week brought several changes­ and learning experiences–both expected and unexpected.

The tasks were not so different: translating the civil law website took most of my time, and now I am compiling edits for the criminal law site, which also provides thorough information on criminal litigation processes in the Czech Republic. Thus, I am continuing to familiarize myself with Czech law.

So while my tasks were not too different, the major change this week was a new location for my internship. I was at the original office on Monday, and I anticipated having to switch over to the City Center on Tuesday. However, that timeline became more complicated when I got sick for several days in the middle of the week. After resting in my apartment and consuming (very) large amounts of tea and cough drops, I felt better at the end of the week. Yet, because I was sick, I feel like I missed part of the transition to the new City Center location. When I came in at the end of the week, I found myself scrolling through Google Maps to figure out a new work commute. I eventually found and took the train, which I did not even realize Prague had. (Yet again, the public transportation has been a pleasant surprise). With each change, I am still getting to learn more about the city.

As for the inside of the office, it still needs some finishing touches, but it has a beautiful view, and it is very new. In comparison to the original office, it is much quieter because there is only one team from endors here at the moment (I’ve learned that endors has multiple teams that cover different focuses for litigation). I appreciate the support of the people who are at the new office, but I do miss seeing and conversing with all of the people who are still at the original office too. I hope to potentially continue to visit the original office, so that I can stay connected to learn from as many people as possible.

Overall, even though I was sick for half the week, there were still several changes and new experiences. I will be in Prague for six more weeks (the internship is eight weeks total), which is a lot of time. Yet, I also cannot believe I am a quarter of the way done. I feel there is so much more to learn and explore at endors and in the city of Prague. Now that I have been to both office locations–and now that I have recovered from being sick–I’m curious to see what these six weeks hold. 

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