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Sofia v endors!

Stejně jako v uplynulém roce, tak i nyní jsme se rozhodli pokračovat ve spolupráci s ECCEDU, díky kterému k nám opět zavítal student z USA, aby rozvíjel své znalosti práva i v rámci země, jež je součástí Evropské unie. V letošním létě v naší kanceláři působí Sofia z Kalifornie, která o práci v ČR velmi usilovala. Její úsilí bylo naplněno a my jsme velice rádi, že jsme se společně dohodli na vzájemné spolupráci.

Vzhledem k tomu, že je pro Sofii Evropa zcela novým působištěm a Česká republika její destinací v dalších několika týdnech, tak jsme si řekli, že tyto okamžiky chceme společně sdílet i s Vámi. Proto Sofia začala psát krátký blog, jehož obsah budeme postupně zveřejňovat a první článek si můžete přečíst již dnes! 

Week 1 Reflection

(24 June 2024 to 27 June 2024)

My first day coming to the endors office was two days after arriving in Prague. Because I had just arrived, I felt the most like a tourist, both in the workplace and in the city. It was all new: the city, the language, and the time zone (along with some jet lag). Coming from Los Angeles, California in the United States, I had been a bit concerned about feeling geographically isolated in a large city. However, the public transportation is very reliable and well-developed here–I was quickly able download the “PID” transportation app and buy a pass for my time here. Thus, even though Prague is big, I feel connected between my housing and the office, as well as with tourist spots in Old Town. I feel a lot more comfortable than I thought I would at the end of my first week, because of the transportation, but also because of the people at the endors office.

In regards to my specific tasks thus far, I appreciated being able to come over on Monday to be introduced to the office, and I knew roughly what to expect coming in on Tuesday. I got my laptop and log-in, and I was also introduced to the office system called “Single Case.” By the end of the week, I was given several tasks to edit drafts of English documents. Additionally, I get to help translate endors’s new civil litigation website, which breaks down various steps and nuances for anyone wanting to understand the legal process better. The website is extremely thorough, and as a result of reading and translating, I am also gaining a better understanding of Czech law. As I read, I’ve also started writing down some questions that I am curious about in relation to differences between Czech law and United States law.

Based on my past experience in the United States at a government office, my expectation was that the workplace would be more formal, and it would be more difficult to interact with others because everyone is busy doing their own work at their own desk. However, I have learned that is not always the case. Most people are dressed more comfortably in the office, and while it is still a busy office, people often take the time to collaborate with one another. I have been working in a shared meeting room, and because of that, I’ve gotten to see so many people walking in and out to work together on tasks. 

The most difficult adjustment for me is not being able to understand Czech conversations, so I don’t fully understand what people are working on sometimes. However, I did ask a couple of people what tasks they had, and my impression was that they were very kind and open to talking. Multiple others have also introduced themselves this week, which has given me an opportunity to ask people questions about their experiences. Going out to lunch with others in the office has also been a good opportunity to ask questions about work and even learn about different law school systems. For example, I did not know that in the Czech Republic, students complete 5 years of law school directly, compared to the United States where we have 4 years of undergraduate school, then 3 years of law school.

Overall, I am looking forward to getting to know others and growing my understanding of Czech law while I am here. 

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